Meaning and origin of the name Melina

Gender: Female
Also available in Greek, Italian,

Melina is used in

Switzerland Greece Australia Canada United Kingdom United States Finland Italy Brazil Serbia Sweden

Countries where Melina has name day

Melina is present in the name day calendar in Greece and Melina's name day is September 15.
Melina is present in the name day calendar in Greece and Melina's name day is October 27.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Melina

The name Melina has its origins in Greek and Latin.


In Greek, the name Melina is derived from the word "melaina," which means "dark" or "black." In Latin, it is thought to be derived from the word "mellinus," meaning "honey-colored." The name has been used in various cultures and languages, but it is most commonly associated with Greek and Latin origins.


The meaning of the name Melina can vary depending on the cultural context. In Greek, it is often associated with the idea of darkness or the color black. In Latin, it is linked to the color of honey. Overall, the name Melina is often seen as elegant and feminine, with a touch of mystery or sweetness.


The name Melina has gained popularity in recent years, particularly in English-speaking countries. It is often chosen for its unique and sophisticated sound, as well as its rich historical and cultural associations.

In conclusion, the name Melina carries with it a sense of beauty, depth, and charm, making it a lovely choice for a baby girl.
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